Tuesday, October 9, 2007

a little taste of mercy


i could just leave it at that, it says it all... but i won't. i'll go further and explain why i'm praising God. hmm... where to begin?

i got up super early this morning so that i could study for a music history exam that i had this afternoon. after i studied i read my devotion and spent some time with the Lord. as i went about my little morning routine i prayed for the girls on my all and in my building. when i walked out of the dorm i praised God for the fall breath in the air the joy that i heard from the squirrels and birds. than i just gave it to Him: i gave the Lord my usual tuesday/thursday funk.

my 8am class is generally my put-me-in-a-bad-mood-for-the-rest-of-the-day class. it's english (which i love), but my professor is a scary koala (he seriously looks like a koala). anyway, i just gave it to the Lord. i told Him i wouldn't indulge in my usual foul temperament after the class and i didn't. not only that, but the Lord blessed me during that class.

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