Thursday, October 11, 2007

season i love

amber haze surrounds me as fall is gasping for life here. if only i had the ability to breathe the crisp life of autumn into the air- if only. there is no feeling like the first crisp night when i'm in a sweater snuggled up close to the one i love as we watch the existence of our breath die away against God's perfect starry night sky. no other time of year makes me as happy as fall. (of course i will say the same thing at Christmas time and possibly in the spring, but seriously- there's something special about fall.) i love walking around, being able to marvel at the fantasticness of God's imagination. it was He who thought up the idea of leaves changing from summer green to autumn ambers, crimsons, oranges and yellows. it was His idea for us to be able to breathe in the crisp air only to be able to watch it form a wispy cloud before our eyes.then, there are the walks in the parks. warm, snuggly blankets underneath trees with beloved books. the first hot chocolate of the year. smelling the burning leaves, and seeing the piles of raked leaves on their way to the burn pile. the smell of spices and the sight of pumpkins and mums. sweaters- getting to wear a sweater for the first time in the fall is like visiting with an old friend.

fall brings me joy- that is as simple and direct as i can phrase it. i look forward to Thanksgiving and the time set aside for family. pecan pies and black turkeys. (grandmama and i made a black turkey one year and we're still the running Thanksgiving joke, but that memory is precious and that's what life's about)i love traditions, but i look forward to making my own. i'm starting to stand on my own two feet and each day is one day closer. one day closer.


Courtney said...

they are they are! i like that you're observant.

and i haven't read this post yet, but after i do i'll most likely comment again. weee!

benjamin cantrell said...

one day closer.