Monday, October 8, 2007

second is the best.

i'm in the middle of a much needed study break. 2 hours of music history is enough to overwhelm me, but i've got at least that many more hours to go. shame on me for leaving my studying until the last minute- shame on me.

it's not so bad, though. i amazingly had a nice weekend at home with my family- what a blessing. my mom attacked my laundry as soon as i got there and wouldn't let me touch it until i left. saturday morning she made pancakes, bacon and sausage and it was fantastic. there was a trip to target mixed in w/ my saturday as well as some yummy steak. all-in-all it wasn't so bad... i already said that.

tonight i have dance and dance is always special. it's like our own little world. we get dressed up and... well, it's just nice. we're not great, but we're getting better. waltz is our dance. it was one of the hardest when we first started and it's still hard, but it's beautiful. i feel like a princess at a ball when we're dancing a waltz.

the Lord is working in me, there's no doubt about that. there are moments when it's so easy to rejoice in my brokenness, and then there are moments when i have to be smacked over the head to remember that my God is doing something huge in my life. i'm talking gynormous! (did i spell that right? who gets to make up how you spell made up words anyway?)

back to music history. i'm in the renaissance right now, and i have to get through the classical period. i'm half way through the 2nd period of 4, so that makes me around a third of the way through... maybe? i never was very good with fractions.

1 comment:

Unknown said... you Kathy Rabon.